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Curriculum for New Employees, Contractors and Interns


Week One:

·    Introduction to the Agency and all Employees

·    Learning the goal of the Agency and plans

·    Expectations of the Filing System and Records information

·    Reading and Filing Progress notes.

·    Explanation and training in Data Entry Processes.

·    Learning the Case Auditing System by Learning how to put together at least five books

     and by auditing a minimum of five books.


Week Two:

- Introduction of the intake process.

- Reviewing the Intake Document and all the aspects of completing an intake.

- Instruction on observing an intake, if applicable, or utilizing a mock intake and following through with the demonstration of the process.

- Instructions and explanation of the SRCS and OHCA's Agency information and relationship to the work processes.

- Instruction on the Client Assessment Record (CAR) Scores, and how they are developed and utilized.


Week Three:

- Developing a Treatment Plan and instruction on the DSM-V and the association between the Intake Instrument and the Treatment Plan Data.

- Additional information about the APS system and its relation to the Treatment Plan.

- Learning about Social Skills and how they are presented to the clients by the Rehabilitation Specialist. Shadowing a Rehabilitation Specialist to understand better their job duties and the rehabilitation program's significance.


Week Four:

- Reviewing the information learned in the first three weeks.

- Reviewing the Auditing Processes.

- Reviewing the Intake Process.

- Reviewing the CAR Scores Processes.

- Reviewing the Treatment Plan Processes and reviewing aspects of the DSM-V.

- Shadowing a therapist and getting first-hand information on what is expected and required for both Individual and Family Counseling Sessions.


Week Five:

- Learning detailed aspects of how to complete progress notes, how billing process, and the relationship between Progress notes and Billing.

- Learning Ethical Aspects of Counseling, how to set boundaries, and the importance of knowing how to avoid dual relationships.

- Demonstrating and learning techniques on how to professionally manage transference issues and providing different scenarios of what can occur during a counseling session and how to manage the situation appropriately and professionally.


Week Six:


·   Learning the Processes needed in a discharge summary and how to complete a Discharge Summary. Learning about Letters of Collaboration, how to complete the paperwork, and how to initiate an Intake and Treatment Plan when a Collaboration Agreement is in Effect.


·   Observe a Presentation to an outside group regarding a partnership with __________________ and additional Shadowing of Both Rehabilitation Specialist and Therapist. Set up and assist in participating in group activities related to therapeutic measures.


·       Learn about the differences in Therapist and Rehabilitation Techniques when working

        with older Americans, Grand Parents Raising Grand Children, and the importance of

        Ethnic Diversity and Cultural Competencies. Understanding the Religious Dynamics of

        Clients and how to incorporate Therapeutic Processes to complement their Religious

        Beliefs and Understanding.


·       Review all learning processes, the Discharge processes, and the transition processes from

        one therapist to another—court-related aspects of a therapist’s responsibility and what to

        do when called to court on a case. Follow up with needed paperwork and completions

        and transitions.


·       Complete a satisfaction Survey for the Agency to improve processes for future interns

        and new employees.

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